The Most Common Car Accident Injuries

There are a lot of pain that can follow even a minor car accident. Dealing with insurance is a pain. Getting estimates on repairing damage to your vehicle can be painful. If moving violations are involved, the police and court proceedings can really hurt. The worst pain, however, and those that require the most attention…

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How Car Accidents Cause Spinal Cord Injuries

Car accidents are a leading cause of spinal cord injuries. Even safety measures meant to protect our lives in a crash can be the reason victims sustain injury to their spinal cord. Air bags and seat belts do save lives, but they can wreak havoc on the spinal cord during an accident. Of course, air…

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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care Following a Car Accident

According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Department there are around 200,000 car accidents every year; which translates to almost 650 per day! Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of crashes are minor and do not result in hospitalization. However, even an accident that is not severe in nature can mean years of chronic pain…

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Tips for Seeking Medical Attention Following a Car Accident

The list of to-do’s following a car accident is long. From the smallest fender bender to a collision that leaves your vehicle totaled, the tasks can be overwhelming, especially in light of any emotional, physical, and even spiritual trauma that can follow the calamity. Some of the necessary items will feel more urgent or obvious…

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How to Get a DOT Medical Card

More and more, the Department of Transportation (DOT) is adding regulations and increasing guidelines for professional drivers. While many of these requirements may seem superfluous, one that actually makes sense is the need for drivers to pass a physical. The language and the specific requirements, however, can be complicated. The terms DOT medical certificate, DOT…

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