Car Accident Tips from a Miami Chiropractor

It’s no surprise that Florida often tops the list of states with the worst drivers in the country. Miami’s section of I-95 has even been ranked as one of the most dangerous stretches of road across our nation. Car crashes throughout the Miami-Dade area have been on the rise for quite some time. Thanks to…

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A Timeline for Chiropractic Care Following a Car Accident

Following a car accident, many victims are tempted to give their time and attention to the material matters at hand. Tasks like getting quotes for car repair, filing insurance, pursing legal claims, and others often take precedent. While this approach is understandable and all of these items are important, they can also be a distraction…

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Why Choose a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

Once the dust has settled after a car accident, you may begin feeling unusual soreness, stiffness, neck pain, headaches or other discomfort. Even if your car accident was minor, it can leave you with injuries that need to be addressed. Even if you went to the emergency room or urgent care following your car accident,…

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