Involved in a Ride-Share Auto Accident? Why You Should Contact a Chiropractor Today!

Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare app services are quite popular globally. The amount of people using rideshare options has been steadily on the rise throughout the country, which is why it’s not surprising that accidents involving Uber and Lyft have also been on the rise as well. Uber and Lyft accidents in a rideshare vehicle are like any car accident, regarding taking the right steps afterward to ensure that your injuries are treated correctly and that your rights are protected.

Not Knowing the Extent of Your Injuries

Some motor vehicle accident injuries do not present symptoms of a physical injury immediately after the accident. This will often lead accident victims to falsely assume that they were not injured at all. Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries. However, it is also one of the most common injuries to present delayed symptoms. In some cases, it can take hours or days before physical pain or symptoms begin to show. Some people believe they are just feeling some soreness and they will be fine in a few days. When either of these assumptions is made, it can lead to an even bigger delay in treatment. This leads us to our next problem.

Delayed Treatment Leads to Prolonged Reimbursement for Medical Costs

When treatment is delayed for too long after an accident, it can lead to prolonged treatment that would not have been necessary, had the accident victim been diagnosed and treated early. Delayed treatment will likely lead to insurance reimbursement issues. The insurance company, whether it is yours, the at-fault drivers, or the rideshare company’s insurance adjuster, will not be on your side.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care Following an Auto Accident

Chiropractic care provides extensive benefits after you’ve sustained an auto injury:

  • Decreased pain: Relieving discomfort is an essential part of chiropractic care. Many chiropractic techniques reduce and alleviate pain without the need for invasive procedures or prescription drugs.
  • Reduced inflammation: It is common for a body to experience inflammation after a car accident. However, too much inflammation can damage your muscles and ligaments, as well as cause more pain and stiffness.
  • Restored mobility: Chiropractic techniques help you get back to your normal range of motion, which can assist with your comfort post-injury.
  • Less scar tissue: Muscles can develop scar tissue after an injury, which can cause significant pain and stiffness. Chiropractic techniques target damaged areas and reduce scar tissue to help accelerate your body’s natural healing process.

Rideshare Accident Expert Chiropractic Services in South Florida

When you’re ready to heal, turn to rideshare auto accident chiropractor doctor Dr. Keren H. Gomez. We offer transportation services, work with attorneys, and offer evening and weekend appointments at seven locations throughout the area. Call us at the location nearest you to schedule your appointment, or you can make an appointment online. No matter what, we look forward to hearing from you. You deserve the best help after a rideshare accident, and we’re here to provide that.