Academic Research on Chiropractic Treatment of Car Accident Victims

The falsity that chiropractic care following a car accident—and in general—is ineffective continues to be debunked through advanced research. Those unfamiliar with the benefits of receiving chiropractic care may be surprised to learn of all the research and study that has gone into learning just how effective it is for patients.

Accidents involving motor vehicles are a leading cause of spinal injuries and are often treated by a chiropractic physician. Chiropractic care has come a long way in recent decades and countless victims of injuries have benefited from receiving treatments.

In one recent statistical analysis, patients who were experiencing different symptoms required a different number of treatments, but improvement was experienced by all who participated in the study.

The More Immediate the Treatment the Better the Result

Another interesting revelation from a recent study of chiropractic care is the correlation between how quickly those involved in a car accident seek treatment and the level of recovery they experience. When patients were slower to seek chiropractic care, the overall level of pain was more difficult to resolve.

A need for ongoing treatment is more likely to be required for those who wait to seek treatment over those who are examined immediately following an accident. In order to address the cause of an injury quicker, improve recovery time, and shorten the number of treatments, victims of a car accident should seek a consultation with a licensed chiropractic physician as soon as possible.

Medical Journals are Piling up Evidence

An unfortunate—but not uncommon—reason that victims may seek chiropractic care after a car accident is the presence of bladder and bowel symptoms. These symptoms can often correlate with lower back pain as well.

Upper cervical injuries such as whiplash are common following a car accident, but lower back injuries and the accompanying symptoms are also prevalent in patients. While most people will associate chiropractic care with pain management, there are several other benefits for the body as well.

In another study, chiropractic care patients were examined prior to receiving treatment to set a baseline for their pain level. After as few as six treatments, their pain level was decreased significantly.

An experienced and trusted chiropractic physician like Dr. Keren H. Gomez provides successful rehabilitation for all car accident victims. Call Dr. Keren Gomez at 954-510-5518 or schedule an appointment online today!