Top 5 Things You Can Do to Feel Better After a Car Accident

Car accident injuries can leave you with both visible and invisible scars. Whether it’s a fender-bender or a more severe collision, the shock to your system can result in various physical complaints—pain, stiffness, headaches, and more. In the aftermath, focusing on a recovery path that addresses these issues at their root is crucial. Chiropractic care is often a recommended route.

Here are the top 5 things you can do to feel better after a car crash, leading to faster car accident recovery.

1. Immediate Evaluation and Diagnostic Scans By A Medical Professional

Why It’s Important

After a car accident, it’s common for adrenaline to mask pain and discomfort.  This can be misleading as it might make individuals believe they haven’t sustained any serious injuries. However, it is crucial to seek a comprehensive evaluation following a car accident, even if there is no immediate pain or obvious injuries.

A chiropractor can identify misalignments, strains, and other issues that might not be immediately obvious.

A chiropractor is a healthcare professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal problems, particularly those related to the spine. They are trained to identify misalignments, strains, and other issues that may not be immediately apparent.

What to Expect

During a chiropractic evaluation, the chiropractor will assess your overall condition, taking into account your medical history, symptoms, and any information about the accident. They will then perform a physical examination, which may involve palpating the spine and surrounding areas, checking for range of motion, and conducting specific orthopedic tests.

Through this evaluation, a chiropractor can identify any hidden injuries or underlying issues that may have been caused by the car accident. They will formulate a personalized treatment plan to address these problems, which may include spinal adjustments, soft tissue techniques, therapeutic exercises, and other modalities.

Expect a full-body evaluation and potentially some diagnostic scans like X-rays or MRIs. These scans can detect even the smallest of issues that might become significant problems later if left untreated.

In summary, because adrenaline can mask pain and discomfort following a car accident, it is important to seek a comprehensive evaluation from a chiropractor. They can detect misalignments, strains, and other issues that may not be immediately obvious, thus ensuring that any underlying injuries are properly diagnosed and treated.

Action Steps

  • Consult a chiropractor: Even if you feel fine, consult a chiropractor for an evaluation.
  • Get scans if recommended: This will offer a clearer picture of your spinal health.

2. Personalized Treatment Plan For Car Accidents

Why It’s Important

No two car accidents are the same, and neither are the injuries they cause. A personalized treatment plan is crucial for targeted and effective treatment. Every car accident is unique in terms of the circumstances, vehicles involved, and impact on individuals involved. Similarly, the injuries resulting from these accidents can vary greatly in type, severity, and location. Therefore, it is essential to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of each individual.

A personalized treatment plan takes into account various factors, such as the nature of the injuries, the individual’s overall health, pre-existing conditions, and personal preferences. By considering these factors, healthcare professionals can design a treatment program that focuses on the individual’s specific needs, ensuring the most effective and targeted approach to recovery.

For instance, if a person has sustained a whiplash injury in a car accident, their treatment plan may include a combination of physical therapy, chiropractic care, and pain management techniques. On the other hand, someone with fractures or broken bones might require surgical intervention followed by rehabilitation exercises.

Furthermore, a personalized treatment plan involves regular monitoring and adjustment to ensure progress and address any challenges or changes in the individual’s condition. It provides an opportunity for healthcare professionals to modify the treatment approach as needed, tailoring it to the individual’s changing needs.

In addition to physical injuries, car accidents can also result in psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or anxiety. Therefore, a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan may also involve mental health support, counseling, or therapy to address these emotional aspects of recovery.

By emphasizing the importance of personalized treatment plans, car accident victims can receive the most appropriate and effective care for their specific injuries and circumstances. It ensures that the treatment is targeted, minimizes unnecessary procedures or interventions, and maximizes the chances of a successful recovery.

What to Expect

Your chiropractor will discuss your symptoms, medical history, and any other concerns you may have. Based on this and your diagnostic scans, they will develop a treatment plan tailored to you.

Action Steps

  • Be open and honest: The more accurate information the chiropractor has, the better they can help you.
  • Ask questions: Don’t understand something? Ask for clarification.

3. Spinal Adjustments and Manipulation After A Car Crash

Why It’s Important

Spinal adjustments are at the core of chiropractic care. They can help restore normal motion, improve nerve function, and relieve pain. Spinal adjustments, also known as spinal manipulations, are a key component of chiropractic care. Chiropractors use their hands or specialized instruments to apply controlled and sudden force to specific areas of the spine. This manipulation aims to correct structural misalignments or subluxations in the spine.

By restoring proper alignment and motion to the spine, spinal adjustments can effectively alleviate pain in the back, neck, and other areas of the body. The adjustments can also reduce pressure on spinal nerves, leading to improved nerve function and overall health.

The primary goal of spinal adjustments is to improve the function of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system. When the spine is misaligned, it can interfere with the body’s ability to communicate and coordinate its various functions. Restoring normal spinal function through adjustments can help the body heal itself and maintain optimal health.

In addition to pain relief, spinal adjustments may have other benefits, such as improved posture, enhanced flexibility, increased range of motion, and better overall physical performance. Many patients also report improved energy levels, sleep quality, and immune system function after chiropractic adjustments.

It is important to note that chiropractic care is holistic and may involve additional therapies or lifestyle recommendations alongside spinal adjustments. These complementary treatments, such as exercise, stretching, massage, and nutritional advice, can further enhance healing and support long-term wellness.

However, it is essential to consult with a qualified chiropractor or healthcare professional before undergoing any chiropractic treatment to ensure its suitability for your specific condition.

What to Expect

Through controlled force, your chiropractor will adjust misaligned vertebrae back into their proper positions. This might be accompanied by a cracking sound, which is just the release of gaseous pressure.

Action Steps

  • Stick to the plan: Consistency is key in chiropractic care.
  • Communicate: If something feels off during the treatment, let your chiropractor know immediately.

4. Complementary Therapies For A Quicker Car Accident Recovery

Why It’s Important

Spinal adjustments are often combined with other therapies like heat/cold therapy, electric stimulation, or even massage for a holistic treatment approach.

What to Expect

These therapies can reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and promote quicker healing. Heat/cold therapy, electric stimulation, and massage are commonly used in conjunction with spinal adjustments to enhance the overall treatment.

Heat therapy involves the application of heat to the affected area, which helps to dilate blood vessels, increase circulation, and relax muscles. This can help reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the spine and surrounding tissues. Cold therapy, on the other hand, is used to numb the area, reduce inflammation, and decrease swelling. It works by constricting blood vessels and numbing nerve endings to provide pain relief.

Electric stimulation, also known as electrotherapy, utilizes electrical currents to stimulate the nerves and muscles in the affected area. This can help to reduce pain, relieve muscle spasms, and promote healing by increasing blood flow and oxygenation to the tissues. It can also help reduce swelling and inflammation by stimulating the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

Massage therapy involves the manipulation of soft tissues to improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation. It can help to alleviate muscle knots, adhesions, and trigger points, which often contribute to spinal pain and dysfunction. By increasing blood flow and lymphatic drainage, massage can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing in the affected areas.

By combining these additional therapies with spinal adjustments, practitioners aim to address the underlying causes of spinal issues and provide a comprehensive, holistic approach to treatment. By reducing inflammation, improving blood flow, and promoting quicker healing, these therapies can enhance the effectiveness of spinal adjustments and provide sustainable pain relief.

Action Steps

  • Follow Recommendations: If the chiropractor suggests additional therapies, take them seriously. They can improve your recovery process.
  • Report Feedback: Make sure to inform the chiropractor about how you feel after these therapies.

5. Rehabilitative Exercises and Lifestyle Changes After an Auto Accident

Why It’s Important

Chiropractic care often extends beyond the clinic. Rehabilitative exercises can strengthen your muscles, improve posture, and prevent future pain and injury.

What to Expect

Your chiropractor will likely give you a set of exercises to do at home. These aim to extend the benefits of your chiropractic sessions and speed up recovery. Here are some common exercises that your chiropractor may recommend:

  1. McKenzie exercises: These exercises focus on extension movements to relieve pain in the lower back or neck. They may include lying on your stomach and propping up on your elbows or performing standing backbends.
  2. Core strengthening exercises: Strengthening your core muscles can help support your spine and improve your overall posture. Your chiropractor may recommend exercises like planks, bird dogs, or pelvic tilts to target your abdominal, back, and pelvic muscles.
  3. Stretching exercises: Stretching can help improve flexibility, increase range of motion, and relieve muscle tension. Your chiropractor may suggest stretches for specific muscle groups, such as the hamstrings, hips, or neck.
  4. Posture exercises: Poor posture can contribute to spinal misalignments and pain. Your chiropractor might provide exercises to improve your posture, such as shoulder rolls, chin tucks, or wall angels.
  5. Corrective exercises: Chiropractic care aims to correct imbalances in the body. Your chiropractor may recommend exercises that target specific imbalances or asymmetries, such as unilateral exercises or balance exercises to address any functional issues.

Always follow your chiropractor’s instructions carefully, and don’t push yourself beyond your comfort zone or pain threshold. If you experience any new or worsening pain, back pain, etc, during the exercises, notify your chiropractor immediately.

Action Steps

  • Regular Exercise: Make these exercises a part of your daily routine.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Implement ergonomic changes at work or home as suggested by your chiropractor.


Chiropractic care is not a one-size-fits-all remedy but a personalized approach to well-being. From immediate diagnosis to long-term rehabilitative exercises, it offers a holistic approach to recovery after a car accident. The five steps outlined above can significantly contribute to your journey back to health and mobility.

Remember, your health should be your priority. Start with a chiropractic evaluation and follow through with a tailored treatment plan. Your future self will thank you.

Dealing with these deeper issues will relieve pain now and keep you from experiencing greater emotional trauma later. Seeing a chiropractic doctor who specializes in rehabbing victims of car accidents like Dr. Keren Gomez can greatly accelerate the healing your body needs.

Dr. Keren Gomez uses various forms of treatment that lead to the healing of injuries more traditional treatments are unable to address. Call the accident rehab clinic of Dr. Keren Gomez at 305-761-6528 or use our online contact form to request more information on how you can feel better as quickly as possible.