Car Accidents Decline Even as Vehicles Used for Gig Economy Jobs Increase

DeclineCar accidents are one of the leading causes of injury and trauma here in the United States. While the number and rate of car accidents have been in decline over the past 15 years, the damage done to the body of those who suffer from a car accident remains a focus for medical professionals.

Taking measures such as increasing seatbelt usage and lowering the rate of impaired driving seem to be paying off across the country—even in an area known for lots of activity like around the Miami-Dade area.

Car Accident Numbers are Not to be Shrugged Off

With millions of workers who drive or ride in a vehicle as part of their jobs every day, car accidents are also a leading cause of work-related injuries. Just think of all the delivery vehicles, trash trucks, tractor-trailers, and other automobiles on the roads daily we tend to take for granted.

National organizations like the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) do not even consider the number of vehicles being used for food delivery or ridesharing when reporting on the number of car accident injuries suffered while on the job.

There are approximately one million Uber drivers in this nation alone—with larger clusters adding to the existing traffic in large cities like Miami.

Chiropractic Care Makes a Big Difference Following a Car Accident

Saving lives and dollars are something to celebrate when it comes to a drop in car accidents, but collisions still send over two million people to the ER every year according to the CDC. Whether you wound up in the hospital following a car accident or not, there is one step every victim of a car accident should take soon after.

According to NBC News, there are at least 3.3 million people seriously injured in car accidents every year. Nearly 1% of the population experiences medically consulted injuries annually and this doesn’t even include those involved in smaller collisions not involving major medical care following the accident.

Despite the severity—or lack thereof—following a car accident, consulting with a licensed and local chiropractic physician is vital even if you do not experience any acute pain. A physical evaluation will determine exactly what you need to avoid chronic pain in the future.

Call Dr. Keren Gomez at 954-510-5518 or schedule an appointment online today!