Soft Tissue Injuries after a Car Accident

Around 3 million people suffer injuries in car accidents each year in the US. Car accidents can be extremely traumatic, frequently resulting in injuries, sometimes serious, life-changing injuries like broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, or paralysis. Even if you make it out of a car accident seemingly unharmed, you might still have a severe injury…

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Car Accidents that Become an Actual Pain in the Neck

Bodies tend to absorb a large amount of blunt force trauma when involved in a collision. Neck pain is one of the most common complaints following an automobile accident. Injuries to the soft tissues can seem “minor” on the surface, but can lead to bigger problems (possibly irreparable) later. Following are a few ways that…

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Finding Premier Health Care Following a Miami Car Accident

Car accidents in an area like Miami range from minor fender benders to full-blown collisions—resulting in massive damage to vehicles and severe injuries to drivers. If you or someone you love has been involved in any type of car accident, you most likely know that finding the right medical care afterward can be a major…

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