Posts by Dr. Keren Gomez
3 Facts You Should Know about Chiropractic Care
For some individuals seeking medical service, chiropractic care may be an entirely new concept. For others, you may have heard of chiropractic care but may have some things that you’re unclear about when it comes to this type of medical treatment. Here at the offices of Dr. Keren Gomez, we have 3 facts that we…
Read MoreWhy Call an Auto Accident Chiropractor Even if You Don’t Think you’re Injured?
Have you ever heard of those courageous stories in the news? People will have a broken leg or arm and still be able to pull others out during a bad car accident. Once the chaos all settles, they then realize that they are also injured and hurt even worse than those that they were helping.…
Read MoreInjured in a Slip and Fall Accident? Contact a Chiropractor Today!
When you are injured from an accident, long term damage can occur long before you ever even experience pain. Slips and falls should never be taken lightly, no matter how small or big your initial injury may seem. If you have been injured in a slip or fall accident, it’s important to seek help right…
Read MoreHow to Choose an Auto Accident Clinic in Miami
Going through an auto accident brings out a lot of emotions. Is the car damaged? Whose fault was the accident? Is everyone else safe? The common theme here is that with an auto accident, oftentimes you think about your own health last. However, shouldn’t it be the other way around? Cars can be replaced, but…
Read MoreThe Efficacy of Chiropractic Care for Treating Low Back Pain
While there may be some individuals out there who would argue that chiropractic care has little evidence to support its methodologies, this is simply not the case. The scientific community has been studying the impact of chiropractic care in treating patients for decades. More research continues to emerge year after year in support of the…
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